Loan Application Process and Instructions

Thank you for visiting our website. These are the instructions so you can prepare for your Purchase Mortgage/and or Refinance in the state of Florida. 

Please select the full complete application and Your Mortgage Consultant as your Loan Consultant. You will have the opportunity to set up your own username and id.

The application input is set up in multiple sections please ensure you complete as much information in each section as possible and save each section as you go.

The only section you do not have to complete is the credit information which we will pull and merge from your credit report.

Please click yes on the 3 electronic disclosures for credit report and Patriot Act. At the end click on submit.

Loan Check List of documents can be uploaded to our site, sent via mail or we can arrange to meet and copy for you at our office.

All loans must have:

  • 3 months bank statements disclosed on loan application. (Checking & Savings Personal)
  • 2 Years complete Personal Tax Returns including W-2 & Business Returns if self employed.
  • The previous 1 month pay stubs.
  • Statements for previous three months of all assets: IRA, 401-K, CD, Investments, others disclosed on loan application.
  • Clear Copy of the Social Security card.
  • Need clear copy of one of the following Identification for USA Patriot Act.
  • Driver’s License, State Issued ID card.
  • ID cannot be expired. This ID should be obtained with application or documents.

The button below will open a new page in our secured application website so we can start work on your application.  Our processing team & I look forward to assisting you through this process. If you have any questions, please call us at 1-855-337-1600 or email us at: 

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